Saturday, January 4, 2025
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Funded projects & Collaborations


1. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Principal Investigator) and Prof.( Dr.) Jyothis Mathew (Co-Investigator) “Molecular Exploration of Spice Associated Bacteria for Bioactive metabolites and PKS-NRPS genes” Major Project (15 Lakhs) from Department Of Biotechnology (DBTunder the DBT-RGYI Scheme (2011-2014, completed).

2. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Principal Investigator) and Prof. (Dr.)Jyothis Mathew (Co-Investigator), Dr. Sheela Sugathan (Co-Investigator), “Molecular Studies on Biofilm formation in Coagulase Negative Staphylococci” Major Project (22 Lakhs) from Indian Council Of Medical Research (ICMR) (2011-2014, completed).

3. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Co-ordinator) SARD Programme support from Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) to School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University (21.25 Lakhs) (2014-2017).

4. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Principal Investigator) and Prof. (Dr.) Jyothis Mathew (Co-Investigator) Major Project from KSCSTE, 25 Lakhs, “Studies on molecular and chemical basis of plant growth promoting and anti-phytopathogenic properties of rhizosphere microorganisms” (2015 – 2018).

5. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Principal Investigator) Phyto immune modulatory effect of lipopeptide compounds produced by Bacillus spp. with biocontrol property. Project Sanctioned from Kerala Biotechnology Commission, KSCSTE under the YIPB Programme (2017-2020).

6. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Principal Investigator) Exploring the Indigenous Microbiome of Kerala for Natural and organic agricultural practices-an approach to green Kerala. Project sanctioned from Kerala State Plan Fund 2018.

7. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Principal Investigator) Industry linked project in collaboration with Business Innovation and Incubation Centre (BIIC) of MG University and Agro Bio-Tech Research Centre Ltd, Kottayam

8. Dr. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator) Collaborative project with State Institute for Animal Diseases, TVM titled Studies on AMR gene flux between livestock and society, risk assessment and development of management strategies funded by Department of Animal Husbandary, government of Kerala (2018 – 2021).

9. Dr. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator) Collaborative project with Business Innovation and Incubation Centre funded project in association with Abtec M/s Agro Bio Tech Research Centre Ltd. Kottayam 2019.

10. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Principal Investigator), Prof. (Dr.) Nandakumar Kalarickal (Co-Investigator) and Prof. (Dr.) Jayachandran K (Co-Investigator) Nanofertilizers, Nanopesticides and Bionanoformulations for the enhancement of agricultural productivity. Project sanctioned from JAIVAM, Mahatma Gandhi University 2019.

11. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator) Collaborative project with Swakit Biotech Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore (1 lakh) titled “Agribiotech product development” (from 2021-2022).

12. Radhakrishnan E.K. (Principal Investigator) Collaborative research with Dr N Radhakrishnan Foundation for Research on Venous Diseases titled “Healing of chronic venous ulcers/extensive ulcers by Nano-technology” (2021-ongoing).

13. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator) Collaborative project with Agro Bio Tech Research Centre Ltd., (ABTEC), Kottayam (2 lakhs) titled “Micronutrients for agricultural applications” (2022- ongoing).

14. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator), Collaborative project with Kerala Start Up Mission, Trivandrum(1 crore) (2022-2023, completed).

15. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator), Dr. Remakanthan A (Co-Investigator) sanctioned from KSCSTE under Science Research Scheme (SRS), (18 lakhs), titled “Development of chitosan based nanoformulations for the sustainable enhancement of growth and disease resistance in ginger” (2022-ongoing).

16. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator), sanctioned from SERB under SURE scheme, (30 lakhs), titled “Environmentally benign approach for the extraction of nanocellulose from novel agromass of Elettaria cardamomum for green and smart packaging applications” (2023-ongoing).

17. Radhakrishnan E K (Principal Investigator), sanctioned from Kerala Higher Education Council (KSHEC), (24 lakhs), titled “Antibiotic induced resistance gene transfer in E. coli through outer membrane vesicles (OMV) and its implications in antibiotic fed broiler chicken” (2023-ongoing).

18. Radhkrishnan E K (Indian Principal Investigator), Dr. Marcel Van der Heijden (International PI, University of Zurich, Switzerland), Dr. Linu Mathew (Indian Co-PI) and Dr. S. Franz Bender (International Co-PI, University of Zurich, Switzerland), (52 lakhs), titled “Enhancement of camptothecin biosynthesis in Ophiorrhiza mungos L. through microbiome engineering” under SPARC theme of Govt. of India (2023- ongoing).

19. Radhakrishnan E.K. (Principal Investigator) Collaborative research with Dr N Radhakrishnan Foundation for Research on Venous Diseases titled “Molecular Investigation on anomalies in the biosynthesis of structural proteins and epigenetic factors in  chronic venous hypertension” (17 lakhs), (2023-ongoing).

20. Radhakrishnan E.K. (Principal Investigator)  for the establishment of   Dr. NRadhakrishnan International Centre for Medical Innovation (NRICMI) ( 1 Crore) (2023-ongoing).


1. Dr. Radhakrishnan E.K – Investigator of Project on “Metabolite profiling and mining of endophytic fungi for novel bioactive metabolites” as part of DST-PURSE programme support to Mahatma Gandhi University (2011-2014).

2. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK – (Co-Investigator) DBT-Mahatma Gandhi University, “Interdisciplinary Life Science Programme for Advanced Research and Education” Programme support from DBT to Mahatma Gandhi University (2012-2017).

3. Dr. Jayachandran K (Principal Investigator) and Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Co-Investigator), Major Project from KSCSTE (2011-2014).

4. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK (Co-coordinator), DST-FIST Programme support to School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University (2016-2021)

5. Radhakrishnan E K Co-Investigator of SERB funded project entitled “Epidemiological monitoring of SARS CoV-2, and its variants in wastewater systems in the major cities of Kerala, India” under the guidance of Dr. Shjulal Nelson Sathi, Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), TVM (PI) (2022- ongoing).

6. Radhakrishnan E K, Co-Investigator, RUSA Project


1.King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok

2.State Institute for Animal Diseases, Trivandrum Department of Animal Husbandary, government of Kerala

3.Agro Bio-Tech Research Centre Ltd, Kottayam

4.Inter University Instrumentation Centre (IUIC), Mahatma Gandhi University

5.International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IIUCNN), Mahatma Gandhi University

6.Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF), Mahatma Gandhi University

7.Inter University Centre for Biomedical Research (IUCBR), Mahatma Gandhi University

8.National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM), Haryana

9. Swakit Biotech Private Limited, Basavangudi, Bengaluru

10.  Department of Biotechnology and Food Technology, Durban University of Technology, South Africa

11. N. Radhakrishnan foundation, Chethipuzha, Kottayam, Kerala

12. Pondicherry University, Tamil Nadu

13. AVMC Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu

14. Institute Lumière Matière Research group, France