Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Sl.No Name of the Student Title of thesis Status UO on PhD awarded
Current Designation
1. Roshmi Thomas Biomedical applications of microbially fabricated silver and gold     nanoparticles Awarded EBX/Ph.D./222/2016 dated 22.11.2016 Assistant professor (on contract), Department of Microbiology, S.D College, Alappuzha
2. Jasim B Functional analysis and applications of endophytic bacteria from selected spice plants Awarded EBX/Ph.D./222/2016 dated 22.11.2016

Junior research scientist Palacky University Olomouc | Czech Republic Faculty of Science Department of Cell Biology, Centre of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research


3. Jimtha John C Studies on plant growth promoting properties and applications of PGPR   isolates from western ghat Awarded EBX/Ph.D/227/2017 dated 18.04.2016 Project fellow in Forest Pathology Department, Kerala Forest Research Institute
4. Soumya K R     Molecular investigation on species diversity, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation among coagulase negative Staphylococci Awarded EBX/Ph.d/228/2017 dated 17.05.2017
5. Chithra S          Bioprospecting of endophytic fungi from different cultivars of Piper nigrum Awarded EBX/Ph.D/230/2017 dated 05.08.2017  
6. Rohini Sabu Plant growth promoting and antiphytopathogenic properties of endophytic bacteria from Zingiber Officinale Rosc Awarded EBX/Ph.D/232/2017 dated 20.09.2017  
7. Anisha C Beneficial endophytic fungi from Rhizomes of Zingiber Officinale Rosc.    Awarded EBX/Ph.D/235/2017 dated 19.12.2017  
8. Shiji Mathew Antimicrobial effects of nanoparticle conjugates Awarded EBX/Ph.D/252/2019  
9. Snigdha S Antimicrobial properties of Nanomaterials Awarded EBX/Ph.D/261/2019 dated 07.09.2020  
10. Midhun Sebastian Jose   Bioactive potentials of bacteria from fresh water fish and their applications as biocontrol agents in fish disease Awarded

(Co guide)

11. Jishma P          Rhizobacterial interaction with plants and phytopathogens Awarded  
12. Aswathy Jayakumar Genomic analysis of endophytic bacteria with application in plant  stress management Awarded  
13. Aswani R Beneficial effects of bacteria with activity against Pythium aphanidermatum isolated from pitcher plant Awarded (EBX/Ph.D/280/2022

dated 05.09.2022)


Ashitha Jose

Synthesis,     characterization    and                    antimicrobial activity     evaluation     of     essential     oil-based nanocomposites for packaging applications Awarded
15. Sreejith S Studies on AMR Gene Flux between Livestock and Society, Risk assessment and development of management strategies Awarded (Co-Guide)
16. Silju Juby Genomic Characterization of Endophytes with Drought Stress Alleviating Effects Awarded (Co-Guide)
17. Deepa P Mohanan


engineered nanomaterials for
the management of wound
18. Maya Mathew Phenotypic and molecular
charecterization of multidrug
resistant mastitogens from
cow milk and their
nanotherapeutic management
19. Reeba Mery Cheriyan Green extraction of nanocellulose from agricultural wastes and its application in food packaging field Thesis submitted

Research associates/Project fellows

1. Dr.Linu Kuruvilla


2. Dr. Angelina Thomas


 Bioinformatics/Computational Biology
3. Anisha M N


4. Aneesha Susan Alex


Plant Biotechnology
5. Surya Nair


6. Ananthalekshmi P



Post Doctoral fellow

Blessy: Post doctoral research fellow,
Funding: Dr N Radhakrishnan foundation for research on venous diseases
Project: Healing of chronic venous ulcers/ extensive ulcers by nanotechnology


Sl.No. Name of the student Year
1. Anisha C 2010
2. Anju Janardhanan 2012
3. Jasim B 2012
4. Soumya Rajappan 2013
5. Shiji Mathew 2014
6. Jishma P 2015
7. Bilzamol V Sasi 2016
8. Anju 2017
9. Smruthi 2017
10. Merita 2018
11. Sukanya 2019
12. Veena 2020



Sl.No. Name of the student Year
1. Aswathy Agnes Joseph 2011
2. Vidhya Lakshmi 2011
3. Akhil Kishore 2011
4. Aswathy Viswam 2012
5. Santhi AnnaThomas 2012
6. Roopa M 2012
7. Shimil Vellakkodiyan 2013
8. Acquiline Mary Paul 2013
9. Ashwathi P Nair 2013
10. Rakhi Narayanan 2014
11. Arathy GB 2014
12. Geethu P R 2014
13. Daya 2015
14. Rosemin 2015
15. Arun 2016
16. Dhanoop 2016
17. Rakhie 2016
18. Romy R.S                              2016
19. Neethu T.K                         2016
20. Saji Varghese                       2016
21. Anagha Prakash                   2016
22. Sreejith   2017
23. Shibil   2017
24. Roshni     2017
25. Haritha 2017
26. Farha 2017
27. Athulya 2017
28. Nayana    2017
29. Athira 2017
30. Rahul    2017
31. Amina 2018
32. Divya 2018
33. Vipina 2019
34. Veena 2019
35. Amala 2019
36. Vishnu Chandran 2019
37. Arathy 2019
38. Christeena 2019
39. Simi 2019
40. Saranya 2019
41. Neethu 2019
42. Amisha Mathew 2020
43. Aparna S Unni 2020
44. Shafi 2020
45. Fathima Dilquish 2020
46. Surya Rao 2021
47. Sreekanth K 2021
48. Mohammed Afthab 2021
49. Bhagi S Parvathy 2021
50. Synanth P S 2021
51. Adila Shahana 2022
52. Safa N 2022
53. Mithuna 2022
54. Athira Anilkumar 2022
55. Sarath 2022
56. Antony P Vijayan 2022
57. Gayathri 2023