Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Sl No. Title Principal Investigator Duration Funding agency Status
1 Studies on AMR gene flux between livestock and society, risk assessment and development of management strategies. Dr. Radhakrishnan EK 2018-2021 Department of Animal husbandry, Govt. of Kerala Ongoing
2 Collaborative project with Swakit Biotech Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore- 2021 Dr. Radhakrishnan EK



November 2021- April 2022 Swakit Biotech Pvt. Ltd Ongoing
3 Collaborative research with Dr N Radhakrishnan Foundation for Research on Venous Diseases titled “Healing of chronic venous ulcers/extensive ulcers by Nano-technology Dr. Radhakrishnan EK 2021-ongoing Dr N Radhakrishnan Foundation   Ongoing
4 Collaborative project with Agro Bio Tech Research Centre Ltd., (ABTEC) Dr. Radhakrishnan EK 2022- ongoing Agro Bio Tech Research Centre Ltd., (ABTEC)   Ongoing
5 Collaborative project with Kerala Start Up Mission, Trivandrum Dr. Radhakrishnan EK 2022-2023 Kerala Start Up Mission, Completed
6  “Development of chitosan based nanoformulations for the sustainable enhancement of growth and disease resistance in ginger” Dr. Radhakrishnan EK 2022-ongoing  KSCSTE  Ongoing
7 “Environmentally benign approach for the extraction of nanocellulose from novel agromass of Elettaria cardamomum for green and smart packaging applications” Dr. Radhakrishnan EK 2023-ongoing SERB under SURE scheme  Ongoing
8 Designer probiotics to mitigate the combined abiotic and pathogen stress in plants by deciphering the molecular crosstalk between Oryza sativa and its microbiome” funded by Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan- DR. JAYACHANDRAN.K 2023 RUSA  Ongoing
9 Rice microbiome modulation for improved plant functional traits, nitrogen nutrient acquisition and stress tolerance Dr. Jisha M.S 2023 RUSA  Ongoing
10 Role of vesicle-mediated neutrophil extracellular traps in promoting thrombosis in diabetes mellitus (SUR/2022/003508) Dr. Anie Y. 2023-2026 SERB SURE Ongoing