1.Joseph P.V, Jyothis Mathew, Claramma Jacob and Haridas M (2003)Antibacterial activity of lactoperoxidase from sheep colostrum. Asian Journal of Chemistry 15(2): 1149-1151
2.Shahina M. C. and Jyothis Mathew (2003) A study on the microflora of some fruits available in markets in Kerala. Journal of Microbial World 7(1): 90-92
3.Johnson B., Ashok P., and Mathew J. (2003) A comparative study of the antimicrobial property of honey from two bee species Apisindica and Apisflorea. Indian Drugs 40(11):636-639
4.Cherian E. and Mathew J (2005) Antimicrobial activity of selected aromatic plants Indian Drugs 42(1): 28-33
5.Jyothis Mathew, M.S. Latha and P.C. Ravindran (2005) Production of alkaline protease from Bacillus pumilus K 242 by solid state fermentation Asian Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences 7(3):617-621
6.Annie J. Mathew, K. Jayachandran and Jyothis Mathew (2010) Endophytic Penicillium citrinum. Thom. From Scopariadulcis Linn. Indian Journal of Microbiology 50(1):S 99-S102. doi: 10.1007/s12088-010-0065-2 Impact factor – 2.46
7.Thomas Minu, Philip Suja and Mathew Jyothis (2011). Biosurfactant production Pseudomonas sp. G6 by solid substrate fermentation using coconut oil cake as the substrate. Research Journal of Biotechnology 6 (2): 18-23
8.Suja Philip, Minu Thomas, Radhakrishnan EK and Jyothis Mathew (2011) Species Distribution. and Virulence Properties of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Isolated from Human and Domestic Animal Sources. Asian J. of Microbiol. Biotech. Env. Sc. 13(4): 743-748.
9.Mini K Paul, Mini K D, Ally C Antony, Radhakrishnan EK and Jyothis Mathew (2012) Utilization of prawn shell powder for the production of chitinase by Kurthia gibsonii MB126. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 3(3): 163 – 172.
10.Species distribution and virulence properties of coagulase –negative staphylococci isolated from human and domestic animal sources. SujaPhilip,Minu Thomas, E.K.Radhakrishnan and Jyothis Mathew (2011) Asian Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences 13(4)743-748ISSN 0972-3005
11.Utilization of prawn shell powder for the production of chitinase by Kurthiagibsonii MB126. Mini K Paul, Mini K D,Ally C Antony, E. K. Radhakrishnan and JyothisMathew(2012)Int J Pharm Bio Sci 3(3): B 163 – 172ISSN 0975-6299
12.A comparative study of antibiotic resistance in bacterial isolates from industrially polluted and un polluted water. Divya Mohan, Suja Philip and Jyothis Mathew (2012) Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 9(3) 79-81ISSN 0972-9860
13.Evaluation of antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized by a novel strain of marine Pseudomonassp.Roshmi Thomas, AswathyViswan, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan E K Nano Biomed. Eng. 2012, 4(3),139-143 ISSN2150-5578 http://nanobe.org
14.Screening of fungi isolated from poultry farm soil for keratinolytic activity Mini K. D*, Mini. K. Paul and JyothisMathew Advances in Applied Science Research, 2012, 3 (4):2073-2077ISSN (P) 0976-8610
15.Keratinophilic fungal diversity of soil from Ernakulam and Thrissur districts – Kerala Mini K.D*, Jyothis Mathew, Sampathkumar. S Mini and K. Paul European Journal of Experimental Biology, 2012, 2 (4):1261-1264 ISSN2248-9215
16Antibiotic resistant Enterococci from drinking water sources Asha Peter*,Jyothis Mathew, ShiniZacharia, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research , 2012 ,Vol 5, Suppl 3,pp 158-160ISSN- 0974-2441
17.Periplanata americana – a carrier of multi resistant listeria species ShiniZacharia, Asha Peter, Jyothis Mathew, P.C RavindranAsian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2012,Vol 5, Issue 4 pp 24-27ISSN- 0974-2441
18.Antimicrobial Susceptibility and plasmid pattern analysis of coagulase negative Staphylococci isolated from different sources Suja Philip, E K Radhakrishnan, Jyothis Mathew, Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2012,Vol 5, Issue 4 pp 207-210 H Index: 13 ISSN- 0974-2441
19.Asha Peter, Radhakrishnan EK, Jyothis Mathew, ShiniZacharia “Characterization of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium from clinical and chicken sources”, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 2012, S1738-S1741 (Impact Factor: 1.062).
20.Extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles by endophytic Bordetella sp. isolated from Piper nigrumand its antibacterial activity analysis. Roshmi Thomas, JasimB ,Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK, Nano Biomed. Eng.( 2012 ), 4(4),183-187
21.Aswathy, Agnes Joseph; Jasim, B.; Jyothis, Mathew; Radhakrishnan, E. K.“Identification of two strains of Paenibacillus sp. as indole 3 acetic acid-producing rhizome-associated endophytic bacteria from Curcuma longa”3 Biotech (2012): 1-6Springer Open
22.Extracellular Lipolytic Enzyme Production by a Novel Extremely Halophilic Bacterium. Anisha C1, JyothisMathewandRadhakrishnan E K (2012) Universal Journal of Environmental Research and TechnologyVolume 2, Issue 3: 143-148
23.Endophytic associations in AchyranthesasperaReshma John, Siji Raju, Jyothis Mathew, Linu Mathew L. Journal of Science, Technology And Management, Vol 04 ,No2,9-13 ( 2012 )
24.Enzymatic dehairing of cattle hide by ChrysosporiumkeratinophilumMini K.D*, Sampathkumar S, ,Suja Philip, and Jyothis Mathew. Journal of Current Studies Vol .02, issue no.1 December 2012.
25.Jasim B, Jimtha Joseph, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK, Plant growth promoting potential of endophytic bacteria isolated from Piper nigrum, Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 71:1–11 (Impact factor – 1.67).
26.Jasim B, RohiniSabu, Anisha C, Jimtha John C, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan E.K Antifungal and Plant Growth Promoting Properties of Endophytic PseudomonasaeruginosafromZingiberofficinale ,Pure and Applied Microbiology, 7(2)1003-1009 (2013).
27.Antimicrobial resistance trends with special reference to Vancomycin resistance among different species of Enterococci Asha Peter, ShiniZacharia, Radhakrishnan.E.K and Jyothis Mathew International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2013 Jan; 4(1): (B) 356 – 363 (SCImago Journal Ranking – SJR) of 0.288
28Anisha C, Jyothis Mathew, RadhakrishnanEK, Plant Growth promoting properties of endophytic Klebsiellasp. isolated from Curcuma longa, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences, March (2013).
29.Suja philip, Radhakrishnan E. K., &Jyothis Mathew Adherence of staphylococcus epidermidis to different smooth surfaces and efficacy of rifampicin to prevent surface colonization International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences (6) Pg.62-72 (2013) 0.453Global IF
30.Anju Janardhanan, Roshmi Thomas, Rintu T Varghese, Sonia E V, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK, Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles by a Bacillussp. of marine origin, Material Science Poland, 2013, 31(2):173-179 (Impact Factor 0.507).
31.P. americana as an intestinal carrier of nosocomial and food borne bacterial pathogens ShiniZacharia, Asha Peter, Jyothis Mathew, Radhakrishnan E. K Asian j pharm clin res, vol 6 issue 4, 38-41, (2013)SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.266
32.Antibiotic resistance profile of bacterial pathogens in the gut of P.americanaShiniZacharia, Asha Peter, Jyothis Mathew, Radhika Murali, Asian j pharm clin res, vol 6 issue 4, 2013, 42-46 (2013)SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.266
33.Biofilm formation in enterococci from different sources. Asha Peter*, ShiniZacharia, Jyothis Mathew International Journal of Biopharmaceutics.; 4(2): 140-144(2013)ISSN No. : 0976-1047
34. A comparative study of virulence factors in enterococci from clinical and nonclinical sources. Asha Peter, JyothisMathew&ShiniZacharia. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences (J Pharm Biomed Sci. 21-06-2015 02:41ISSN 2230 – 7885 ) April; 29(29): 745-752. (2013)
35.K.R.Soumya, Santhi Anna Thomas, Sheela Sugathan, JyothisMathewandRadhakrishnan EK, Antibiotic susceptibility and multiplex PCR analysis of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci isolated from laboratory workers, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 2013, 2(11): 266-272.
36.Detection of icaab and meca genes in Staphylococcus epidermidis by combined polymerase chain reactionand analysis Suja Philip*, E. K. Radhakrishnan1 and Jyothis Mathew World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Vol.2 issue4:1008-1017 (2013) Global Impact Factor 0.765
37.Vidhya Lakshmi Das, Roshmi Thomas, Rintu T Varghese, Soniya EV, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK, Extracellular synthesis of silver nanoparticles by a Bacillus sp. isolated from industrialized area, 3 Biotech2014, 4:121–126.
38.Jasim B, Aswathy, Jimtha John C, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK “Isolation and Characterization of Plant Growth Promoting endophytic Bacteria from the Rhizome of Zingiberofficinale“, 3 Biotech, 2014, 4:197–204.
39.Chithra S, Jasim B, Sachidanandan P, Jyothis M, Radhakrishnan EK. Piperine production by endophytic fungus Colletotrichumgloeosporioides isolated from Piper nigrum. Phytomedicine. 2014, 21(4): 534-40. (Impact Factor: 3.126)
40Jasim B, Anisha C, Rohini S, Kurian JM, Jyothis M, Radhakrishnan EK. Phenazine carboxylic acid production and rhizome protective effect of endophytic Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from Zingiberofficinale. World J MicrobiolBiotechnol. 2014, 30(5): 1649-54 (Impact Factor – 1.779).
41.Chithra S, Jasim B, Anisha C, Mathew J, Radhakrishnan EK. LC-MS/MS based identification of piperine production by endophytic Mycosphaerella sp. PF13 from Piper nigrum.ApplBiochemBiotechnol. 2014, 173(1): 30-5. (Impact Factor – 1.74)
42.Thomas R, Nair AP, KR S, Mathew J, Radhakrishnan EK. Antibacterial activity and synergistic effect of biosynthesized AgNPs with antibiotics against multidrug-resistant biofilm-forming coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from clinical samples.ApplBiochemBiotechnol. 2014, 173(2): 449-60. 173(2): 449-60. (Impact Factor – 1.74)
43.Jasim B, Jimtha John C, ShimilVellakudiyan, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK, Studies on the factors affecting Indole-3-acetic acid production in endophytic bacteria and molecular analysis of ipdCgene,Journal of Applied Microbiology 2014, 117(3):786-99.(Impact Factor – 2.479)
44. Invitro and In vivo immunomodulatory effects of thirst quenchers of Kerala on murine peritoneal macrophages V.S.Suntha,M.A.Sunil,E.K.Radhakrishnan and Jyothis Mathew (2014) Nepal Journal of Epidemiology 4(2)Published online
45.Antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles synthesized by marine Ochrobactrumsp.Roshmi Thomas, Anju Janardhanan, Rintu T Varghese, Sonia E V, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK (2015)Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2015, 45(4):1221-7 (Impact Factor – 0.452).
46.Effect of endophytic Bacillus sp. from selected medicinal plants on growth promotion and diosgenin production in Trigonellafoenumgraecum. Jasim B, Geethu PR, Jyothis Mathew, Radhakrishnan EK (2015) Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2015, 122:565–572 (Impact Factor – 2.125)
47.Inhibitory effect of silver nanoparticle fabricated urinary catheter on colonization efficiency of Coagulase Negative StaphylococciRoshmi Thomas, Soumya KR, Jyothis Mathew, Radhakrishnan EK(2015) Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 149:68–77 (Impact Factor – 2.960)
57.Immunomodulatory activity of Vetiveriazizanioides extract on peritoneal macrophages of albino mice SunithaV.S.,SunilM.A.,Radhakrishnan EK, JyothisMathew (2015)International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars ISSN No: 2277 – 7873 V4 1-4
58..MadhavankuttyJyothilakshmi, Mathew Jyothis, MukalelSankunniLathaAntiinflammatory efficacy of the rhizome of Zingiberzermbet-an in vitro study using THPI cell line (2016) Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies 4(1):103-106
59.. MadhavankuttyJyothilakshmi,MathewJyothis,MukalelSankunniLatha (2016) Mikaniamicrantha –A natural remedy to skin infections Int.J.Curr.Microbioloi.App.Sci.5 (2):742-745
60.Sahadevan Neethu, Vishnupriya. S and JyothisMathewIsolation and functional characterisation of endophytic bacterial isolates from Curcuma longaInt J Pharm Bio Sci Volume 7 Issue 1, 2016 (January – March), Pages:455-464
61.OusephVarghese,NeethuSahadevan,E.K.Radhakrishnan,Jyothis Mathew (2016) Antifungal effect of zingiber zerumbet extract and its compatibility with tobacco decotion-a biopesticide International Journal of Advanced research 4(2) 455-460
62.Ashitha A Jyothis mathew Radhakrishnan EK (2016)Alkaline protease production by Bacillus Sp HAP1,a halophilic bacterium isolated from a solar evaporation pond World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN 2278-4357 Vol.5 Issue 2, 808-815
63.. Jasim,Rosemin Benny,Rohini Sabu Jyothis Mathew E. K. Radhakrishnan ( 2016 )Metabolite and Mechanistic Basis of Antifungal Property Exhibited by Endophytic Bacillus amyloliquefaciensBmB 1 B., ApplBiochemBiotechnol DOI 10.1007/s12010-016-2034-7
64. Mini K.D. and Jyothis Mathew (2016) Purification of keratinase from Aspergillus flavusS125.Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research 6(1) 17-21
65.B.Jassim, J.Mathew and E.K.Radhakrishnan (2016) Identification of a novel endophytic Bacillus sp. from Capsicum annuum with highly efficient and broad spectrum plant probiotic effectJournal of Applied Microbiology ISSN 1364-5072 doi:10.1111/jam.13214
66.A.Vysakh , Nair R Raji , MS Latha,, Mathew Jyothis (2016);Traditional and Therapeutic Importance of RotulaaquaticaLour.: An Overview International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research Vol. 7 (3): 97-107 (ISSN2349-7203)
67.Soumya K.R.,Shiji Mathew,Sheela Sugathan,Jyothis Mathew,Radhakrishnan E.K. (2016) Studies on prevalence of biofilm associated genes andprimary observation on sasx gene in clinical isolates of coagulase negative staphylococci Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica Vol124 No.4 PP319-326
68.Vysakh A,SumaD,SyamaS,RajiR.Nair, Mathew J. and Latha MS (2016)Role of NF-kB Signaling pathway and Oxidative Stress in Liver Inflammation Austin Hepatology (Open access);1(1):1004
69. Mini K.D*, Mini K.Paul, Radhakrishnan E.K and Jyothis Mathew( 2016)Characterization of Keratinase from Aspergillus flavus S125 International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 10, ISSN: 2349-4077
70. Jasim Basheer · K. S. Sreelakshmi · Jyothis Mathew ,Radhakrishnan Edayileveettil Krishnankutty (March 2016 )Surfactin, Iturin, and Fengycin Biosynthesis by Endophytic Bacillus sp. from Bacopa monnieri · Microbial Ecology 72(1) DOI: 10.1007/s00248-016-0753-5
71.Madhavankutty Jyothilakshmi, Mathew Jyothis, Gokulanathan Nair Hari Narayanan and MukalelSankunniLatha(2017)Antidermatophytic and protease inhibiting activities of Zerumbone:A natural sesquiterpene from the rhizome of Zingiber zerumbet(L.) Rocose ex J.E.:SmithPharmacognosy Magazine 13 (49) ISSN :0973-1296
72. Jasim B, Aswani R, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan E K. (2017) Assessment of plantprobiotic performance of novel endophytic Bacillus sp. in talc based formulation. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12602-018-9386-y
73. Jasim B, Neethu Sahadevan, Chithra S, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK. (2017) Epigenetic modifiers enhanced piperine production in endophytic Diaporthe sp. PF20.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences.https://doi.org/10.1007/s40011-018-0982-0
74.A.Vysakh,NairR.Raji,D.Suma,KuriakoseJayesh,MathewJyothis,M.S.Latha (2017) Role of antioxidant defence,renal toxicity markers and inflammatory cascade in disease progression of acute pyelonephritis in experimental rat model Microbial pathogenesis 109 (2017) 189-194Impact Factor 2.009
75.A.Vysaskh,D.Suma,Kuriakose Jayesh, Mathew Jyothis, M.S.Latha(2017) The Influence of tissue antioxidant enzymes and inflammatory cascade in pathology of cystitis:An experimental rat model.Microbial Pathogenesis (113) 102-106 Impact Factor 2.009
76. Mini.K.D, Sampathkumar S & Jyothis Mathew (2017) Dehairing of cattle hide by keratinase enzyme of Aspergillus flavus S125 Int J Pharma Bio Sci 8(3): (B) 204-209 ISSN 0975-6299 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.22376/ijpbs.2017.8.3.b204-209
77. Jasim B, Daya PS, Sreelakshmi KS, Sachidanandan P, Aswani R, Jyothis Mathew, Radhakrishnan EK, (2017) Bacopaside N1 biosynthetic potential of endophytic Aspergillus sp.BmF 16 isolated from Bacopa monnieri. 3 Biotech. 7(3):210
78. Roshmi Thomas, Shiji Mathew, Nayana AR, Jyothis Mathew, and Radhakrishnan E. K,(2017) Microbially and phytofabricated AgNPs with different mode of bactericidal action wereidentified to have comparable potential for surface fabrication of central venous catheters to combat Staphylococcus aureus biofilm, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B:Biology. 171:96-103.
79. Soumya KR, Sheela Sugathan, Suja Varghese, Jyothis Mathew, Radhakrishnan EK (2017) Virulence factors associated with coagulase negative staphylococci isolated from human infections. 3 Biotech. 7(2):140.
80. Soumya KR , Sheela Sugathan, Jyothis Mathew, Radhakrishnan EK (2016) Studies on coexistence of mec gene, IS256 and novel sasX gene among human clinical coagulase negative staphylococci , 3Biotech, 6(2): 233.
81. Jasim B, Roshmi Thomas, Jyothis Mathew and Radhakrishnan EK. (2016) Plant growth and diosgenin enhancement effect of silver nanoparticles in Fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum L. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsps.2016.09.012
82.Sebastian J.Midhun,SahadevanNeethu,A.Vysakh,M.A.Sunil,E.K.Radhakrishnan, Mathew Jyothis.(2017)Antibacterial activity of autochthonous bacteria isolated from Anabas testudineus (Bloch,1792 ) and it’s in vitro probiotic characterization Microbial Pathogenesis (113) 312-320 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2017.10.058Impact Factor 2.009
83.Soumya K.R.,S.Snigdha,Sheela Sugathan,Jyothis Mathew,E.K.Radhakrishnan Aug 2017Zinc oxide –curcumin nanocomposite loaded collagen membrane as an effective material against methicillin resistant coagulase negative Staphylococci 3 Biotech.
84.Sebasian J.Midhun,SahadevanNeethu,A.Vysakh,DamodaranArun,EK.Radhakrishnan Mathew Jyothis(2017)Antibacterialacivity and probiotic characterization of autochthonous Paenibacilluspolymyxa isolated from Anabas testudineus (Bloch),1792). Microbial pathogenesis 113:403-411 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2017.11.019Impact Factor 2.009
85.Vysakh A. Kuriakose Jayesh,LalraisaHelen,MathewJyothis&M.S.Latha(2018) Acute oral toxicity and anti-inflammatory evaluation of methanolic extract of Rotula aquatic roots in Wistar rats Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaim.2017.09.007
86. Vysakh A.,Sebasian Jose midhun,KuriakoseJayesh,MathewJyothis,M.S.Latha(July 2018) Protective effect of Rotula aquatic Lour against gentamicin induced oxidative strass and nephrotoxicity in Wistar rats.Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy 106:1188-1194 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2018.07.066ImpactFactor 3.4
87.Vysakh A.,Sebasian Jose midhun,KuriakoseJayesh,MathewJyothis,M.S.Latha(July 2018) Studies on biofilm formation and virulence factors associated with uropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from patient with acute pyelonethritis.Pathophysiology25(2018) 381-387
88.Sahadevan Neethu,Sebastian Jose Midhun,E.K.Radhakrishnan,MathewJyothis(Jan.2018)Green synthesized silver nanoparticles by marine endophytic fungus Penicillium polonicum and its antibacterial efficacy against biofilm forming multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumanii. Microbial pathogenesis116: 263-272 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2018.01.033Impact Factor 2.3
89.Sahadevan Neethu, Sebastian Jose Midhun, M.A. Sunil, Soman Soumya, E.K. Radhakrishnan, Mathew Jyothis, Visible light induced synthesis of silver nanoparticles by Penicillium polonicum ARA 10 isolated from Chetomorphaantennina and its antibacterial efficacy against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, B: Biology 180 (2018) 175–185Impact factor 4.06
90. Shiji Mathew; Snigdha S; Jyothis Mathew; EK Radhakrishnan (2018) Poly (vinyl alcohol):montmorrilonite clay: boiled rice water (starch) blend film reinforced with silver nanoparticles;characterization and antibacterial properties Applied Clay Science. 161: 464-473.
91.Sebastian J.Midhun,SahadevanNeethu,Vysakh,E.K.Radhakrishnana,MathewJyothis
(May 2018) Antagonism against fish pathogens by cellular components/preparations of Bacillus coagulans(MTCC-9872)and it’s in vitro probiotic characterization Current Microbiology (Springer) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00284-018-1506-0 Impact Factor 1.3
92. Sunil M.A., V.S. Sunitha, A., E.K. Radhakrishnan, M Jyothis(2018) Immunomodulatory activities of Acacia catechu,a traditional thirst quencher of South India Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaim. 2017.10.010
93.Midhun, S. J., Neethu, S., Arun, D., Vysakh, A., Divya, L., Radhakrishnan, E.K. and Jyothis, M., 2019. Dietary supplementation of Bacillus licheniformis HGA8B improves growth parameters, enzymatic profile and gene expression of Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture, 505, pp.289-296. Impact factor: 3.224
94.Midhun, S. J., Arun, D., Neethu, S., Vysakh, A., Radhakrishnan, E.K. and Jyothis, M., 2019. Administration of probiotic Paenibacilluspolymyxa HGA4C induces morphometric, enzymatic and gene expression changes in Oreochromis niloticus. Aquaculture, 508, pp.52-59. Impact factor: 3.224
95..Vysakh .,KuriakoseJayesh,NinanJisha,V.Vijeesh,SebasianMidhunJose,MathewJyothis, and M.S.Latha ( Sep 2019) Rotula aquaticaLour.mitigates oxidative stress and inflammation in acute pyelonephritic rats. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry ISSN:1381-3455(Print)1744-4160(Online)https://doi.org/10.1080/13813455.2019.1665073 Impact Factor 2.1
96.Sahadevan Neethu,Sebastian Jose Midhun, E.K.Radhakrishnan,MathewJyothis (Nov 2019)Surface functionalization of central venous catheter with mycofabricated silver nanoparticles and its antibiofilm activity on multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Microbial Pathogenesishttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103832 Impact Factor 2.581
97.Sunil, M.A., Sunitha, V.S., Ashitha, A., Neethu, S., Midhun, S.J., Radhakrishnan, E.K. and Jyothis, M., 2019. Catechin rich butanol fraction extracted from Acacia catechu L.(a thirst quencher) exhibits immunostimulatory potential. Journal of food and drug analysis, 27(1), pp.195-207. Impact factor: 4.220
98.Aswani R, Soumya Das, Jasim B, Aswathy Chandran, Chinnu Benny, SindhuraSomaraj, Sebastian KS, Jyothis Mathew and RadhakrishnanE.K. (2019) Distribution of antibiotic resistance and virulence factors among the bacteria isolated from diseased Etroplus suratensis. 3 Biotech 138 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-019-1654-33 Impact factor 1.79
99.Ashitha.A, Midhun.S.J , Sunil.M.A, Nithin.T.U, Radhakrishnan E.K, Jyothis Mathew (2019), Bacterial endophytes from Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp., with antibacterial efficacy against human pathogens, Microbial pathogenesis, 135, 103624. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103624. Impact factor- 2.9
100.Das, S., Aswani, R., Midhun, S.J., Radhakrishnan, E.K. and Mathew, J., 2020. Advantage of zinc oxide nanoparticles over silver nanoparticles for the management of Aeromonas veronii infection in Xiphophorus hellerii. Microbial pathogenesis, p.104348.Impact factor: 2.914
101.Ashitha.A, Radhakrishnan E.K, JyothisMathew(2020). Characterization of biosurfactant produced by the endophyte Burkholderia sp. WYAT7 and evaluation of its antibacterial and antibiofilm potentials, Journal of Biotechnology.DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2020.03.005. Impact factor- 3.5
102.Ashitha.A, Radhakrishnan E.K, JyothisMathew(2020). Antibacterial potential and apoptosis induced by pigments from the endophyte Burkholderia sp. WYAT7, Current Microbiology.https://doi.org/10.1007/s00284-020-02013-3.Impact factor- 1.74
103. Das, S., Aswani, R., Jasim, B., Sebastian, K. S., Radhakrishnan, E. K., &Mathew, J. (2020). Distribution of multi-virulence factors among Aeromonas spp. isolated from diseased Xiphophorus hellerii. Aquaculture International, 28(1), 235-248. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10499-019-00456-5 Impact factor 1.36
104.Soumya Das, Aswani R, Midhun Sebastian Jose, Radhakrishnan EK, JyothisMathew .(Oct 2020) Advantage of zinc oxide nanoparticles over silver nanoparticles for the management of Aeromonas veronii infection in Xiphophorus hellerii. Microbial pathogenesis https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104348Impact factor 2.9
105.VysakhA.,Sebastain Jose Midhun,NinanJisha,, Kuriakose Jayesh, V.Vijeesh, ,Mathew Jyothis,MS.Latha (Dec 2020)Rotula aquaticaLouri inhibits growth and biofilm formation of clinically isolated uropathogenicEscherichiacoliAsian pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 10(12),547-554 doi: 10.4103/2221-1691.297054Impact factor 1.9
106. Soumya Das, S. Sreejith, J.S. Midhun, Jilna Babu, Celen Francis, R. Aswani, K.S. Sebastain, E.K. Radhakrishnan, Jyothis Mathew Genome sequencing and annotation of multi-virulent Aeromonas veronii XhG1.2 isolated from diseased Xiphophorus hellerii, Genomics (2020), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.10.034(Accepted date: 29 October 2020)
107.Ashitha. A, Midhun. S.J, Sunil. M.A, Nithin. T.U, Radhakrishnan E.K, Jyothis Mathew (2019) Bacterial endophytes from Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp., with antibacterial efficacy against human pathogens. Microbial pathogenesis 135: 103624. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2019.103624. Impact factor- 3.738
108.Das S., Aswani R., Midhun S.J., Radhakrishnan E.K. and Mathew J., (2020). Advantage of zinc oxide nanoparticles over silver nanoparticles for the management of Aeromonas veronii infection in Xiphophorus hellerii. Microbial pathogenesis p.104348.Impact factor: 3.738
109.Ashitha. A, Radhakrishnan E.K, Jyothis Mathew (2020) Characterization of biosurfactant produced by the endophyte Burkholderia sp. WYAT7 and evaluation of its antibacterial and antibiofilm potentials. Journal of Biotechnology. 313:1-10 doi: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2020.03.005. Impact factor- 3.30
110.Ashitha. A, Radhakrishnan E.K, Jyothis Mathew (2020) Antibacterial potential and apoptosis induced by pigments from the endophyte Burkholderia sp. WYAT7. Current Microbiology. 77: 2475–2485. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00284-020-02013-3. Impact factor- 2.188
111.Das S., Aswani R., Jasim B., Sebastian K. S., Radhakrishnan E. K., Mathew, J. (2020) Distribution of multi-virulence factors among Aeromonas spp. isolated from diseased Xiphophorus hellerii. Aquaculture International 28(1): 235-248. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10499-019-00456-5 Impact factor- 2.235
112.Soumya Das, Aswani R, Midhun Sebastian Jose, Radhakrishnan EK, Jyothis Mathew (2020) Advantage of zinc oxide nanoparticles over silver nanoparticles for the management of Aeromonas veronii infection in Xiphophorus hellerii. Microbial pathogenesis 147: 104348 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104348 Impact factor 3.738
113.Vysakh A.,Sebastain Jose Midhun, Ninan Jisha,, Kuriakose Jayesh, V.Vijeesh, , Mathew Jyothis, MS. Latha (2020) Rotula aquatic Louri inhibits growth and biofilm formation of clinically isolated uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Asian pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 10(12):547-554 doi: 10.4103/2221-1691.297054 Impact factor 1.545
114.Soumya Das, S. Sreejith, J.S. Midhun, Jilna Babu, Celen Francis, R. Aswani, K.S. Sebastain, E.K. Radhakrishnan, Jyothis Mathew (2020) Genome sequencing and annotation of multi-virulent Aeromonas veronii XhG1.2 isolated from diseased Xiphophorus hellerii. Genomics 113(1Pt2):991-998. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.10.034. Impact factor -5.736
115.Soumya Das,Aswani Ravi,Midhun Sebastian Jose,Sebastian Korattiparambil Sebastian,Radhakrishnan Edayileveettil Krishnankutty,Jyothis Mathew (15 June 2021) Disease inductive potential of Aeromonas veronii XhG1.2 isolated from Xiphophorus hellerii in selected ornamental fish Aquaculture Research pp 5891-5897, Impactfactor: 2.082 Pub Date : 2021-06-15, https://doi.org/10.1111/are.15399
116. Anuthara R, Sebastian Jose Midhun, Jyothis Mathew (2021) An in vitro and in silico study of anti dermatophytic activity of gossypol from fruits of Thespesia populnea (L.) Sol. ex Correa Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 2021; 11(12): 543-552 doi: 10.4103/2221-1691.331270 Impact Factor: 1.55
117. Sunitha, V. S., Midhun, S. J., Sunil, M. A., Radhakrishnan, E. K., & Mathew, J. (2021). Valencene-rich fraction from Vetiveria zizanioides exerts immunostimulatory effects in vitro and in mice. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 11(8), 335.
118. Sunil, M. A., Sunitha, V. S., Santhakumaran, P., Mohan, M. C., Jose, M. S., Radhakrishnan, E. K., & Mathew, J. (2021). Protective effect of (+)–catechin against lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response in RAW 264.7 cells through downregulation of NF-κB and p38 MAPK. Inflammopharmacology, 29(4), 1139-
119. Paul, M. K., Mini, K. D., Benn, A. R., & Mathew, J. (04.02.2022). Kurthia gibsonii Mb126 immobilised chitinase against Aspergillus flavus, a fungal pathogen linked to lemon postharvest deterioration. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 15(3), 136- 145.
120. Vysakh, A., Jayesh, K., Jisha, N., Vijeesh, V., Midhun, S. J., Jyothis, M., & Latha, M. S. (2022). Rotula aquatica Lour. mitigates oxidative stress and inflammation in acute pyelonephritic rats. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 128(1), 92-100.
121. Paul, M. K., Mini, K. D., Benn, A. R., & Mathew, J. (2022). Kurthia gibsonii Mb126 immobilised chitinase against Aspergillus flavus, a fungal pathogen linked to lemon postharvest deterioration. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 15(3), 136-145.
122. Sreejith, S., Shajahan, S., Prathiush, P. R., Anjana, V. M., Mathew, J., Aparna, S., & Radhakrishnan, E. K. (2022). Rapid detection of mobile resistance genes tetA and tetB from metaplasmid isolated from healthy broiler feces. Microbial Pathogenesis, 166, 105504. DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2022.105504 Impact
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123. Paul, M. K., Mini, K. D., & Mathew, J. (2022). Antifungal effects of Kurthia gibsonii Mb 126 chitinase as a seed treatment on seed-borne fungi of rice seed on germination percentage and seedling vigor. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology, 10(4), 130-135.
124. Paul, M. K., Mini, K. D., Antony, A. C., & Mathew, J. (2022). Deproteinization of Shrimp Shell Waste by Kurthia gibsonii Mb126 immobilized chitinase. Journal of Pure & Applied Microbiology, 16(2).
125. Jose, M. S., Arun, D., Neethu, S., Radhakrishnan, E. K., & Jyothis, M. (2023). Probiotic Paenibacillus polymyxa HGA4C and Bacillus licheniformis HGA8B combination improved growth performance, enzymatic profile, gene expression and disease resistance in Oreochromis niloticus. Microbial Pathogenesis, 174, 105951. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpath.2022.105951 Impact Factor 3.738
126. Joseph, B. J., Ravi, A., Geevarghese, A., Radhakrishnan, N. A., O, J., Mathew, J., & Krishnankutty, R. E. (2023). Multifarious Plant Probiotic Features of Bacillus sp. W11 Isolated from Vermicast and Its Promises for Biocontrol Activity Against Phytopathogens. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s12010-022-04285-w .Impact factor: 3.094
127. Das, S., Theresa, M., KS, S., Mathew, J., & EK, R. (2023). 9-Tricosene Containing Blend of Volatiles Produced by Serratia sp. NhPB1 Isolated from the Pitcher Plant Provide Plant Protection against Pythium aphanidermatum. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-15.Impact factor: 3.094
128. Paul, M. K., & Mathew, J. (2023). Mosquito Larvicidal Activity of Chitinase of Pseudomonas putida Mb 12 against the Human Vector Aedes aegypti. Journal of Pure & Applied Microbiology, 17(1). https://doi.org/10.22207/JPAM.17.1.31
129. Mini K. D., Mini K. Paul and Jyothis Mathew (2023) A Review on the Prospective Applications of Fungal Keratinases.Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology Volume 44, Issue 22, Page 9-18, 2023; Article no.UPJOZ.2930 ISSN: 0256-971X (P)
130. Mathew, M., Afthab, M., Mathew, J., & K, R. E. (2023). Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance Among the Hydrogen Sulfide Producing Bacteria Isolated on XLD Agar from the Poultry Fecal Samples. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12010-023-04633-4, impact factor: 3.094
131. Ravi, A., Das, S., Sebastian, S. K., Aravindakumar, C. T., Mathew, J., & Krishnankutty, R. E. (2023). Bioactive Metabolites of Serratia sp. NhPB1 Isolated from Pitcher of Nepenthes and its Application to Control Pythium aphanidermatum. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 1-16. Impact Factor: 5.265
132. Sreekumaran, S., Premnath, M., Prathyush, P. R., Mathew, J., Nath, C. C., Paul, N., & Radhakrishnan, E. K. (2024). Predicting Human Risk with Multidrug Resistant Enterobacter hormaechei MS2 having MCR 9 Gene Isolated from the Feces of Healthy Broiler Through Whole-Genome Sequence-Based Analysis. Current
Microbiology, 81(1), 1-8. Impact Factor: 2.343