Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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BioFest 2019

BioFest’19 was a two-day event held on 7th March 2019 and 8th March 2019 at the School of Biosciences, Mahatma Gandhi University. The fest aimed to provide a platform for students to showcase their scientific skills and knowledge. The fest included a range of events; including the popular PUBG competition, inter-collegiate and school level quiz competitions, and a food fest.




ORTUS 2020

ONE DAY ACADEMIC FEST –ORTUS 2020 The School of Biosciences at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, organized a one-day academic fest named ORTUS 2020 on 26th February 2020. The fest aimed to provide a platform for students to showcase their technical and academic skills. The fest included a range of events, including a Tik Tok competition, treasure hunt, and spot photography.



One day International Seminar on New Horizons on Indian Agrosystems funded by Rashtriya Uchathar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), January 2024

Biofest 2024, Games and Exhibition and Academic day


Academic Day




