Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Books edited

Sl. No. Title Editor’s Name Publisher and Year Satus
1. Plant Science technology for sustainable development Dr. Jisha M S

Sri Maghesh Rajan M

Dr. Aju K Ashok

SKJ publishers, Jaipur, 2017 Published
2.  Environmental Microbiology: Techniques and Applications. Reference book. Dr. Jisha M S Bulbul scientific services, 2013 Published
3.  Seminar proceedings of National Seminar on Plant science Technology for sustainable world at National Institute of Plant Science Technology (NIPST), M.G. University, Kottayam Dr. Jisha M S

Sri. Sarath Chandran S

Dr. Aju K Ashok

Naional Institute of Plant Science Technology, MG University, Kottayam and St. Stephen’s College, Uzhavoor,2016 Published
4. Insights Into Advances In Life Sciences Dr. Jisha M. S.

Dr. Shabanamol S.

Dr. Asha B.

SKJ Publisher, Jaipur With publisher