Tuesday, February 18, 2025
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Topic of Research – Bioprocess Technology
Research experience -23 years

We have been concentrating our research on biodegradation of organic compounds for the last few years. We could standardize the basic strategies of biodegradation of various organic molecules in our lab. We started our research work with phenol biodegradation and could publish many international publications and an international review in phenol biodegradation (Nair and Shashidhar, 2004; Nair et al 2007; Nair et al 2008; Nair et al 2009). We could successfully apply this strategy in the effective treatment of Newsprint factory effluent. Later we isolated a natural rubber latex degrading Bacillus pantothenticus from latex contaminated soil (Elizabeth and Jayachandran, 2010). We could also apply this isolate in the treatment of natural rubber latex centrifugation effluent (Elizabeth and Jayachandran, 2010).Research work has also been extended to the topic of cellulose biodegradation (Joseph Job et al 2010), biosurfactant production ( Sebaet al 2012), bacterial endophytes ( Amit et al 2012,2014) and hydrocarbon degradation( Dhanyaet al., 2014).Presently we are concentrating on the metabolomics of phenol biodegradation along with the research on the possible role of Quorum sensing in biodegradation.( Merlin and Jayachandran,2016). We have also started working in Microbial Fuel Cell,aniline biodegradation and also in glycoalkaloids (Ashiq and Jayachandran 2017, Sheetal et al, 2018 and Saranya et al 2018).Currently research works are also being initiated in the area of squalene hopene cyclase and esterase enzyme ( Nair and Jayachandran 2020a; Soumya and Jayachandran 2020). An attempt has been already made to produce these enzymes using recombinant expression system(Nair and Jayachandran 2020b).
Some of the realistic approaches…….
BIOREACTORS designed for various applications….

Bioreactor with cells of Scopariadulcis












Water treatment











Bioreactor for aniline removal








Microbial Fuel Cell







From lab to field……….
Effective implementation of BIRD (Govt of Kerala) programme at Athirampuzha Gramapanchayath













Research work has also been initiated in the field of science of music where the Science behind the making of “Table “is being explored at Inter University Centre for studies in Science of Music (IUCSSM)