1.Major Project (9.06 Lakhs) from UGC Safety Evaluation of the process of Chlorination in drinking water system with specific reference to Chlorination derived By-products. -UGC Major project (completed).
2.BIRD-Project-Extension programme- funded by Kerala State Council for science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) for an amount of Rs.1.1 lakh (2011 – 2012) completed.
3.YIPB Project funded by KBC, Kerala State Council for science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) for an amount of Rs. 16.4 lakhs (2012 – 2015) completed
4.Student project, KSCSTE 2014, Rs.10,000/- (completed)
5.Back to lab programme Kerala State Council for science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) for an amount of Rs. 6.9 lakhs(2015-2017) ongoing
6.The KSCSTE, Government of Kerala has sanctioned PAIR programme to School of Biosciences, M.G.UniversityPAIR programme, KSCSTE , No 102/2019/KSCSTE dated 23-08-2019 ( 14.6 lakhs)
7. Principal Investigator of project titled “Designer probiotics to mitigate the combined abiotic and pathogen stress in plants by deciphering the molecular crosstalk between Oryza sativa and its microbiome” funded by Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan-RUSA 2.0 Theme Biotechnology Project No. 09 sanctioned to School of Biosciences, MGU (391.6 lakhs) for a duration of 12 months. Ongoing